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Arrays and Tuples


The items are encoded right next to each other. No need to store length information, as that is constant (built into the schema).

const Vector2 = bin.arrayOf(bin.f32, 2);
const Vector3 = bin.arrayOf(bin.f32, 3);
const Vector4 = bin.arrayOf(bin.f32, 4);
type Vector2 = bin.Parsed<typeof Vector2>; // number[]
type Vector3 = bin.Parsed<typeof Vector3>; // number[]
type Vector4 = bin.Parsed<typeof Vector4>; // number[]

Dynamic Arrays

First 4 bytes of encoding are the length of the array, then its items next to one another.

const IntArray = bin.dynamicArrayOf(bin.i32);
type IntArray = bin.Parsed<typeof IntArray>; // number[]


Encodes an ordered set of schemas, one next to another.

const Vec3f = bin.tupleOf([bin.f32, bin.f32, bin.f32]);
type Vec3f = bin.Parsed<typeof Vec3f>; // [number, number, number]
const RecordEntry = bin.tupleOf([bin.string, Vec3f]);
type RecordEntry = bin.Parsed<typeof RecordEntry>; // [string, [number, number, number]]