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Getting Started

Gives tools to describe binary structures with full TypeScript support. Encodes and decodes into pure JavaScript objects, while giving type context for the parsed data.


npm install --save typed-binary

Use in the browser

import bin from 'typed-binary';
// Define a schema
const Vec2f = bin.tupleOf([bin.f32, bin.f32]);
const Vec2fSize = Vec2f.measure(bin.MaxValue).size;
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(Vec2fSize);
Vec2f.write(new bin.BufferWriter(buffer), [0.5, 3.14]);

Use in Node.js

import bin from 'typed-binary';
// Define a schema
const Vec2f = bin.tupleOf([bin.f32, bin.f32]);
const Vec2fSize = Vec2f.measure(bin.MaxValue).size;
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(Vec2fSize);
Vec2f.write(new bin.BufferWriter(buffer), [0.5, 3.14]);