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Serialization and Deserialization

Each schema has the following methods:

* Writes the value (according to the schema's structure) to the output.
write(output: ISerialOutput, value: T): void;
* Reads a value (according to the schema's structure) from the input.
read(input: ISerialInput): T;
* Estimates the size of the value (according to the schema's structure)
measure(value: T | MaxValue, measurer: IMeasurer): IMeasurer;

The ISerialInput/Output interfaces have a basic built-in implementation that reads/writes to a buffer:

import bin from 'typed-binary';
// Creating a fixed-length buffer of arbitrary size (64 bytes).
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(64); // Or new ArrayBuffer(64); on browsers.
// Writing four bytes into the buffer
const writer = new bin.BufferWriter(buffer); // Implements ISerialOutput
bin.byte.write(writer, 'W'.charCodeAt(0));
bin.byte.write(writer, 'o'.charCodeAt(0));
bin.byte.write(writer, 'w'.charCodeAt(0));
bin.byte.write(writer, 0);
const reader = new bin.BufferReader(buffer); // Implements ISerialInput
console.log(; // > Wow

Creating a buffer with the most optimal size

Schemas can measure how many bytes a particular value will take up, which can be used to create a buffer that will fit that value perfectly.

import bin from 'typed-binary';
export const PlayerUpdatePacket = bin.object({
id: bin.u32,
x: bin.f32,
y: bin.f32,
const packet = {
id: 0,
x: 2.4,
y: 1.6,
} as const;
const packetSize = PlayerUpdatePacket.measure(packet).size;
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(packetSize); // or new ArrayBuffer(packetSize) on the browser

Creating a shared buffer that fits all possible values

If a schema’s size is bounded (there is a max size that no value encodings will surpass), we can create a shared buffer of the maximum size the schema can take.

import bin from 'typed-binary';
export const PlayerUpdatePacket = bin.object({
id: bin.u32,
x: bin.f32,
y: bin.f32,
const maxPacketSize = PlayerUpdatePacket.measure(bin.MaxValue).size;
const sharedBuffer = Buffer.alloc(maxPacketSize); // or new ArrayBuffer(maxPacketSize) on the browser