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Custom Schema Types

Custom schema types can be defined. They are, under the hood, classes that extend the Schema<T> base class. The generic T type represents what kind of data this schema serializes from and deserializes into.

import {
} from 'typed-binary';
* A schema storing radians with 2 bytes of precision.
class RadiansSchema extends Schema<number> {
read(input: ISerialInput): number {
const low = input.readByte();
const high = input.readByte();
const discrete = (high << 8) | low;
return (discrete / 65535) * Math.PI;
write(output: ISerialOutput, value: number): void {
// The value will be wrapped to be in range of [0, Math.PI)
const wrapped = ((value % Math.PI) + Math.PI) % Math.PI;
// Quantizing the value to range of [0, 65535]
const discrete = Math.min(Math.floor((wrapped / Math.PI) * 65535), 65535);
const low = discrete & 0xff;
const high = (discrete >> 8) & 0xff;
measure(_: number, measurer: IMeasurer = new Measurer()): IMeasurer {
// The size of the data serialized by this schema
// doesn't depend on the actual value. It's always 2 bytes.
return measurer.add(2);
// Creating a singleton instance of the schema,
// since it has no configuration properties.
export const radians = new RadiansSchema();